Plant Sap Analysis
Plant sap analysis is a powerful tool for assessing the nutrient status and health of plants.
By extracting and analyzing the sap from plant tissues, growers and researchers can gain valuable insights into the levels of essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, within the plant.
This information helps optimize fertilization strategies, detect nutrient deficiencies, and ensure optimal plant growth and productivity.
We offer plant sap analysis to farmers we work with to understand how to continue to optimize their nutritional programs.
Our ultimate goal is to improve farmer profits. Plant sap analysis allows us to understand what plants are lacking in real time. It answers the question: what isn't working?
Benefits of Plant Sap Analysis
Close to Real-time nutrient monitoring
Plant sap analysis provides a snapshot of the current nutrient status within the plant tissues, allowing growers to make informed decisions about fertilization in real-time. This helps prevent nutrient deficiencies or excesses, which can negatively impact plant health and yield.
Early detection of nutrient imbalances
By regularly analyzing plant sap, growers can identify nutrient imbalances early on, before visual symptoms appear on the plant. This early detection allows for timely corrective measures, such as adjusting fertilizer applications, to prevent yield losses and maintain plant health.
Improved nutrient use efficiency
Plant sap analysis enables growers to fine-tune their fertilization programs based on the actual nutrient needs of the plants. This targeted approach leads to improved nutrient use efficiency, reducing the risk of over-fertilization and minimizing the environmental impact of excessive nutrient runoff.